Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Driveway Observatory

Here are four quick jpgs of the "Driveway Observatory" setup, taken on September 14, shortly before dark.
Top photo: Mission Control Center
Given all the various pieces of equipment and software, I've found that three laptops makes life a lot simpler...basically one laptop to control each of the three imaging setups.
Photo two:
The StellarVue (908mm focal length at f/7) with eyepiece, ready for aligning the mount, and the Borg (300mm focal length at f/4) with a Hap Griffin modified Canon XT (350) in place.
Photo three:
The Takahashi Epsilon 180 (500mm focal length at f/2.8) with the SBIG ST2000XCM. The Celestron 102 is used for aligning the mount and/or as a guide scope when using the XT with the Tak for an extra-large field of view.
Photo four:
The entire suite of equipment for the driveway observatory. Obviously, a "real" observatory with piers and such would be ideal. Unfortunately, there is no site on my property suited to the placement of such a structure. Thus the Driveway Observatory. The ScopeBuggies make wheeling the mounts into place a snap....about one minute each, setting over permanent "true north" markers. Placing the vibration pads and levelling the mounts takes about two minutes each. The CGE 2 star alignment + 4 star calibration plus polar align (followed by repeating the 2 + 4 routine) requires about 10 minutes per mount. The payoff is spot on go to and virtually perfect polar alignment.


Unknown said...

Now if one were to point this setup at say, Yanni's house, could one see his extraordinary mustache while he played the piano?


Love the blog and I'm very impressed with your work! Hope all is well in ABQ...look forward to seeing you guys next time I make it out to ABQ. Give my best to Mary!

-Lil' Chris

Max Oelschlaeger said...

Chris, you'd be welcome to our part of the world anytime. As you know, Pedro lives just down the road (less than a mile away). Maybe Taos will have some good snow next year.
And yes, one could likely see Yanni's mustache, and even more, with this rig. :)