Thursday, February 8, 2007

Why a blog? I guess cuz it's been way too cloudy and/or snowy to pursue my passion at night. We've had close to 90" of the white stuff to date. Great for snowshoeing. Bad for observing. The snapshot is yours truly (aka, Nanook) at work.

My home is at 7254', give or take a few inches. I have dark skies to the south and east, with the glare of Albuquerque on the other side of the Sandias to the west. As a "refugee from the city" and a dark skies advocate, my location is...well...heavenly. You can find more information about the IDSA at:

Today is the first day (Feb. 8, 2007) of the blog. I'll add posts and photos over the next few weeks. Right now "all things astronomical" is just a speck in the ocean of blogs. In other words, pretty much like the solar system in relation to the Milky Way Galaxy or the Milky Way in relation to the cosmos. More on all that later.

Reader responses and posts are quite welcome, within the guidelines of all things astronomical.



Unknown said...

I'm getting tired just watching Nanook at work.

Max Oelschlaeger said...

"Nanook" has seen too much snow this year. Alas, there's more to come, just as the moon moves out of the way!